Built Environment, Property, Urban and Regional Planning
PP1: Sustainable urban development strategies
- Course Duration – 1 or 2 Weeks
PP2: Green building design and construction
- Course Duration – 1 or 2 Weeks
URP3: Urban planning for resilient cities
- Course Duration – 1 or 2 Weeks
PP4: Property rights and land tenure security
- Course Duration – 1 or 2 Weeks
URP5: Urban renewal and regeneration project
- Course Duration – 1 or 2 Weeks
PP6: Regional planning and development strategies
- Course Duration – 1 or 2 Weeks
URP7: Urban transportation systems and infrastructure
- Course Duration – 1 or 2 Weeks
BE8: Building information modelling and management
- Course Duration – 1 or 2 Weeks
URP9: Urban design and public spaces
- Course Duration – 1 or 2 Weeks
BE10: Disaster risk reduction and management
- Course Duration – 1 or 2 Weeks
BE11: Climate change mitigation and adaptation
- Course Duration – 1 or 2 Weeks
URP12: Urban governance and leadership
- Course Duration – 1 or 2 Weeks
BE13: Community engagement and participation
- Course Duration – 1 or 2 Weeks
URP14: Urban housing and affordable housing
- Course Duration – 1 or 2 Weeks
URP15: Urban environmental management and sustainability
- Course Duration – 1 or 2 Weeks
URP16: Urban infrastructure financing and funding
- Course Duration – 1 or 2 Weeks
URP17: Urban planning and policy analysis
- Course Duration – 1 or 2 Weeks
URP18: Urban development and economic growth
- Course Duration – 1 or 2 Weeks
URP19: Urban social and community development
- Course Duration – 1 or 2 Weeks
URP20: Urban technology and smart cities
- Course Duration – 1 or 2 Weeks